We got banned on Telegram: here’s what happened

4 weeks ago
Freedom of speech is a virtue Pavel Durov doesn't seem to have.
We got banned on Telegram: here’s what happened

This morning at the Fast Buds office started with an inbox full of messages from our loyal users. Turns out, many of you woke up to find that our main Telegram channel had mysteriously vanished. After a quick investigation, we discovered what had happened: our channel had been banned. Yes, banned.

We know what you're thinking — again?


Sebastian tells you more about our Telegram ban.

That's right. It seems like this is becoming a routine for us. But before we dive into what’s next, let’s take a moment to give a special shout-out to Pavel Durov, the CEO of Telegram and a self-proclaimed champion of free speech. Yes, the same Pavel Durov who frequently touts the importance of freedom of expression, open dialogue, and creating a platform where people can exchange ideas without fear of censorship. Oh, the irony!

While we can’t help but appreciate the comedy of being banned on a platform that prides itself on promoting free speech, we’ve also learned that this is just part of the game. Over the years, we've had our fair share of social media accounts getting shut down. It’s become a bit of a running joke for us — if we’re not getting banned, are we even doing it right?


Jokes aside, this isn't the first time we've faced challenges on social media, and it probably won’t be the last. But here at Fast Buds, we're not about to let a little thing like a banned channel slow us down. In fact, we see it as an opportunity to start fresh and reconnect with our community in a bigger, better way.

So, without further ado, we’re excited to announce our brand new Telegram channel! We're bouncing back stronger than ever, and we want you to join us on this exciting new chapter.


To kick things off in true Fast Buds fashion, we’re holding a flash giveaway on the new channel. It’s our way of saying thank you for your support and loyalty, and of course, a fun way to celebrate this new beginning. Be sure to join us, share the news with your friends, and stay tuned for more exciting updates.


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