Health benefits of CBD

The cannabis industry has become way more popular in recent years. With cannabis legalization in many countries, this has led to an increase in products containing CBD in gas stations, grocery stores, and drug stores. CBD is celebrated because of its therapeutic purposes which offer CBD benefits.
What is CBD?
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a chemical compound found in cannabis plants that are extracted from hemp plants. While many of us associate cannabis to giving a high, CBD is way different. It doesn’t have THC, the psychoactive element which often gives a high.
The fact that CBD is non-psychoactive, this is what makes the products so enchanting. For years, marijuana was purported to provide CBD health benefits, but it was difficult to do away with the THC ingredient.
CBD oil is an excellent, affordable, low-side-effect way for people to find relief from health conditions without any mind-altering effects of THC. It’s a natural product whereby cannabinoids are extracted from hemp plants. The cannabinoids are then laced with a carrier oil, the most popular being hemp seed oil and coconut oil.
Let’s dive in and learn more about the health benefits of CBD.
1. Pain relief
One of the most acknowledged health benefits of CBD oil is pain-alleviating effect. CBD is known to have hemp components that are responsible for relieving pain in users while the human body has an endocannabinoid system that is in charge of controlling everyday functions including how the body responds to pain, appetite, need of sleep, and the immune system.
Endocannabinoids that move along the endocannabinoid system is a kind of a neurotransmitter whereby these neurotransmitters interact with receptors that make up the body’s natural endocannabinoid system.
Studies show that CBD oil will then impact the receptors in the endocannabinoid system. The elements in CBD oil helps reduce pain and inflammation by interacting with other neurotransmitters in the nervous system, which are responsible for feelings of chronic pain.
While some people experience chronic migraines, you can use CBD but if you prefer smoking autoflowering strains to alleviate the pain it is an ideal alternative for you.
2. Alleviate Anxiety
Anxiety is the most popular mental health condition affecting a couple of people around the globe. Usually, anxiety is treated with integration of talk therapy and medications. While many people suffering from anxiety find it difficult to find a therapist to manage their anxiety that is covered by their medical insurance, they, therefore, opt for other alternatives.
CBD oil helps treat anxiety. It is affordable with minimal side effects. That's the reason it’s gaining traction globally. Thanks to CBD oil, which doesn’t come with distressing side effects.
Study shows that CBD may reduce anxiety-related behaviors in persons with conditions such as:
Social anxiety disorder
Post-traumatic stress disorder
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
General anxiety disorder
Panic disorder
3. Help in Depression
Just like anxiety, depression is affecting millions of people worldwide, especially in the workplace, which often leads to absenteeism and disability. Untreated depression may lead to adverse risks and may put an individual to self-harm and suicide attempts.
Typically, depression is treated the same way with anxiety with talk therapy and medications. While depression is a chronic health condition, many people will not be moved by antidepressant medications. Thanks to CBD oil, which has the potential benefits of treating depression.
The cannabinoids in CBD oil impacts the neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain, which is in control of depression conditions. Therefore, the use of CBD oil has antidepressant effects.
4. Treat Sleep Disorders
Studies show up to 60 million people in the U.S. alone are suffering from insomnia. Lack of sleep can affect a person’s quality of life, and it can be tricky to treat. Most medications meant to treat insomnia can have adverse side effects and risk of addiction.
Thanks to CBD oil, which is known to offer better quality sleep. Reports show CBD oil and sleep is anecdotal, although several people report improved and better sleep after taking CBD supplement regularly.
While some people prefer smoking instead of taking CBD drops, there is a big choice of autoflowering strains that are perfect to fight insomnia.
5. CBD oil for skin condition
Chronic skin conditions, such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis, are affecting millions of people every year. Such conditions are not only humiliating but also result in a great deal of discomfort from those suffering due to skin appearance.
Acne is a skin condition that varies depending on intensity and duration. A large population around the globe is suffering from acne while acne is an integration of inflammatory responses, overproduction of skin oils, and bacteria that trigger the skin condition.
Studies on acne and CBD oil show that it produces an anti-inflammatory effect on the sebaceous glands and reduces the skin oil that is known to trigger acne. The potent anti-inflammatory features of CBD oil can provide relief to these skin conditions by reducing the inflammation they create. CBD oil also assists in managing the amounts of natural oils produced by the skin leading to fewer acne breakouts.
6. Relief inflammation and Arthritis
People who have arthritis have acute inflammation in their joints, and they are afflicted with pain. CBD oil has anti-inflammatory features, which can be used as a natural way to alleviate the pain.
The way this works is that CBD oil interacts with CB1 and CB2 receptors, which not only helps alleviate the pain, but it can even help with your immune system. Furthermore, CBD oil can also slow down the progress of arthritis.
7. Lowers the risk of diabetes
With so many diabetes cases rising all over the globe, chances are you, or someone you know, has diabetes. While so many diseases are associated with having this condition, it’s essential to get the right medication.
While CBD oil helps to reduce symptoms of nerve damage and neuropathy, research shows it can also help stabilize sugar levels in the human body.
8. Lowers the risk of heart disease
With CBD oil, there's less risk of getting high blood pressure since CBD lowers the blood pressure. High blood pressure is often linked to many heart diseases, including stroke, and heart attack, studies show CBD oil will help control the blood pressure levels.
Other potential benefits of CBD oil:
- Maintains brains health
- Help curb appetite
- Lowers the risk of obesity
- CBD oil for seizures
- Treating epilepsy
- Migraines
- Nausea and vomiting
- Help quit smoking
- Autism
9. Fight Cancer
While in the early stages, the use of CBD oil in fighting cancer looks promising. It doesn’t only help reduce cancer signs but also helps with the side effects of cancer treatment, including chemotherapy.
CBD oil is also known to have antitumor effects that kill tumor cells in the body. It has a powerful impact on stopping cancer cells from reproducing and preventing its spread.
While there are several studies on the health benefits of CBD oil, research is limited on its long-term effects, if you try to use CBD oil and begin to notice any unpleasant side effects, stop using it and consult your health professional immediately.
Consume CBD oil properly so you can take advantage of several health benefits. Aside from the benefits listed in this post, CBD oil may also offer other incentives.
However, always consult your healthcare professional for advice about CBD oil consumption. Remember that following proper dosage is essential to gaining the many positive health effects of this organic substance. Failure to follow the guidelines imposed by a medical professional may lead to adverse effects.
What kind of CBD products have you tried and was it a well substitute for your usual prescription drug? Share your experience in the comment section.
