Everything You Should Know About Marijuana's Effects on Sex

Medically reviewed by Michael Matthews, M.D.
18 February 2021
Ask any stoner and you'll see how they all agree on the magic weed plays in sex
18 February 2021
17 min read
Everything You Should Know About Marijuanas Effects on Sex

Read more
  • 1. Does weed improve sexual experiences?
  • 2. Marijuana and its influence on sex drive
  • 3. Marijuana and its effect on orgasms
  • 4. Mixed feelings about the use of cannabis for sex
  • 5. The bottom line

You might have noticed, but when we become true stoners, suddenly the world is new again. What do we mean by this? Well, everything that we used to normally do sober, has now become an opportunity of a new activity to try doing stoned.

It can go from the normal joint before going to sleep or enjoying a full meal whilst stoned, to doing chores such as grocery shopping, doing laundry, or cleaning the house. Some guys even like taking it further and even go stoned to work, though this is only recommendable when you are in complete control of your baked self

But, the chance no stoner will ever miss grabbing is the chance of having stoned sex. Most likely you've already seen the thousands of memes regarding how amazing cannabis is for lovemaking. However, what really do we know about the effects marijuana has on sexual intercourse?


Find out how marijuana affects your sexual encounters.

Find out how marijuana affects your sexual encounters.

Since science has only recently put an eye on this subject, thoughts are quite diverse about it. Let's see what there is to know about weed and sex.

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1. Does Weed Improve Sexual Experiences? 

Aside from anything that science has to say, if we asked the stoner percentage of society, we'd be safe to affirm that almost all of them would agree that marijuana makes intercourse better. In fact, the perfect sexual encounter from a stoner's point of view includes smoking one before, after, and even during sex. However, when it comes to sexual pleasure, things are quite subjective, so we can't expect everyone to agree on such things. 


Ask any stoner and you'll find that we all enjoy combining sex and weed!

Ask any stoner and you'll find that we all enjoy combining sex and weed!


Nevertheless, science has shown quite contrasting thoughts on cannabis' role in sexual intercourse, some studies back the fact that marijuana provides an enhanced sex drive, while others prove the opposite, cases as dramatic as sexual dysfunction, ouch

2. Marijuana And Its Influence On Sex Drive

Since cannabis has an effect on our bodies both physical and psychologically, we'll need to take a look at the different effects it produces on each of these levels regarding sexual intercourse. Even more, the effects of marijuana change from person to person, so what may be true for one, can be completely strange to another. 

In fact, the effects of cannabis can even vary depending on your gender, women and men experience the effects differently, so they also differ on the effects it causes in their sexual life. 

From women's point of view, and as a woman myself, cannabis and sex are a good combination. But let's skip personal opinions and get to the facts. A study led in 2019 was set to discover exactly this: how the use of cannabis before lovemaking affects women. 1

The investigation was simple, it consisted of two groups of women, one formed by those who engage in the use of marijuana before sexual encounters, and the other who doesn't. The outcome showed that the group of stoners were more prone to reach an orgasm than the non-stoner one.

Not only this, the stoner group also showed that they have intercourse way more frequently in comparison to the women who have never tried marijuana. However, and again, we wouldn't really make such generalizations since when it comes to doing the business everyone is a whole world, and we all have our own preferences independent of anything else. 


Marijuana boosts sex drive in women.

Marijuana boosts sex drive in women.


So what happens with sex and marijuana concerning men? Are the results as positive as with women? Well, they are for some, but not that much for others...

Well, for men the results can be slightly ambiguous. On one hand, just like with women, men who smoke marijuana on a frequent basis are also more likely to have sexual relations more frequently than non-stoners, this is when there's the opportunity, of course. But sadly, there are some counterparts regarding men's orgasms and weed. 2

3. Marijuana and Its Effect on Orgasms

While we found that weed improved women's capacity to orgasm, when it came to men, there are mixed opinions. For instance, a study led in 2010 found that men who smoked cannabis before their sexual encounters were more likely to orgasm faster. 3

However, said study also recognized that time perception changes under the effects of marijuana, so while the man could consider that they lasted less than what they normally would, this could all be a misconception of time in their heads. But why don't you rather ask your partner before you sigh in relief, man.


Some men experience longer orgasms with marijuana.

Some men experience longer orgasms with marijuana.


Another common belief concerning marijuana and its effects on orgasms and sexual intercourse claims that orgasms are longer when one is under the effects of the magic plant. However, this is more of a users report rather than a scientific investigation's result. 

4. Mixed Feelings About The Use Of Cannabis For Sex

Since research is still relatively new concerning the use of weed for sexual intercourse, opinions on the subject are quite diverse. So let's try to untangle the issue ourselves. 

There are some basic things we know about marijuana's effects, independent of lovemaking. These include some of the following: 

  • Marijuana eases anxiety and relieves stress;
  • Weed is often used as a sleeping aid;
  • Feelings and sensations are enhanced when we're high;
  • Cannabis makes us happy and gigglish!

So, when we take a look at these standardized effects that weed has on almost everyone, what can we deduct from them regarding sex? 

In the first instance, cannabis can be an ally in sexy times for those who have a hard time letting go of their own personal fears and anxiety. Perhaps hitting a bong or smoking a joint is precisely what you need to relax a little and get in the mood for a fun night.

But, on the other hand, marijuana does indeed make us extremely sleepy sometimes, which could result in a significant turn-off, leaving you with no energies left for the physical exercise that a good sexual encounter requires. This is specifically true for Indica dominant strains, or those with a high linalool terpene configuration. 

On the positive side, most of us can agree that weed makes us generally enjoy things on a greater level, this is true in many aspects, as in food, sports, arts, and even sex! You won't be surprised to find many frequent cannabis users who report that they feel more pleasure when having stoned love making. 

This is especially true for those having intercourse with a partner who they have feelings for, the connection can be enhanced and your body becomes highly perceptive to the touch of that person, even giving you the famous butterflies feeling. Make love with someone you care about while you're stoned and you'll feel your heart explode with love. 


Marijuana boots the spark in the couple in sex.

Marijuana boots the spark in the couple in sex.


However, some studies have indicated that cannabis can decrease the levels of testosterone in the body. Testosterone being a key hormone in the triggering of the sexual drive for both men and women, we can conclude that perhaps weed isn't the best ally for sexual encounters. Still, it all depends on each person. 4

Lastly, weed is that good friend that never fails to put a smile on your face, and a good mood is essential for an interesting sexual encounter. So, if you're feeling a little upset or down then perhaps smoking one can help you chill down a little and get rid of whatever thoughts are bothering you at the moment of nailing someone. 

5. The Bottom Line

When it comes to marijuana and its effects, everything is as subjective as art, there is no black or white. This means, while some stoners would go to war for cannabis and its importance in their sex lives, others would still rather skip smoking before their sexy times and enjoy their love-making while sober. But it there's something every stoner will agree on is on the greatness of the after-sex joint. Is there such a feeling as smoking one in bed while you lie down next to someone with whom you've just shared a nice and intimate moment? 

If you yet haven't tried mixing together two of the worlds' greatest wonders, weed and sex, then what are you waiting for! Roll that joint before the next time you get lucky and see the results for yourself! Don't forget to comment on your thoughts about cannabis and sex below!


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  1. "The Relationship between Marijuana Use Prior to Sex and Sexual Function in Women" Becky K. Lynn, Julia D. López, Collin Miller, Judy Thompson, and E. Cristian Campian. June 2019.
  2. "How Cannabis Alters Sexual Experience: A Survey of Men and Women" Ellen Wiebe and Alanna Just. November 2019. 
  3. "Cannabis use and sexual health" Anthony M. A. Smith, Jason A. Ferris, Judy M. Simpson, Julia Shelley, Marian K. Pitts, and Juliet Richters. February 2010. 
  4. "Sex Effects of Marijuana on Brain Structure and Function" Ariel Ketcherside, Jessica Baine, and Francesca Filbey. July 2017.