
Banana Purple Punch Auto

30.4% di THC, testato in laboratorio: un nuovo record mondiale tra le autofiorenti!
13,00 €
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1 feminized seed
13,00 € / seed
1 feminized seed
13,00 € / seed
2 feminized seeds
12,00 € / seed
3 feminized seeds
12,00 € / seed
5 feminized seeds
11,00 € / seed
10 feminized seeds
9,90 € / seed
25 feminized seeds
8,60 € / seed
50 feminized seeds
7,30 € / seed
100 feminized seeds
5,90 € / seed
500 feminized seeds
3,90 € / seed
1000 feminized seeds
3,40 € / seed
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  • La campionessa viola. Gli amanti del viola si innamoreranno.
  • La varietà più fruttata di tutti. Il sogno di un produttore di hashish che diventa realtà.
  • Forte e senza stress. 26% di THC, un sorriso con ogni tiro.
  • Così tanti sapori in così poco tempo! Fino a 450 - 550gr/m2 in soli 56 giorni!
  • Una Indica robusta. La varietà notturna perfetta che ti canta la ninna nanna.
Per saperne di più

Radar Tecnologico

Banana Purple Punch Auto
Molto Caldo
Molto Freddo
Prevalentemente Sativa
Prevalentemente Indica
Molto Forte
Senza bisogno di filtri

Specifiche tecniche

Parametro Valore
Sapore Banana, Frutta, Gommoso, Fragola
THC Fino a 30.4%
CBD < 1%
Raccolto EU Interiore 450 – 550 gr/m2
Raccolto US Interiore 1.5 – 1.8 oncia/piede quadro
Raccolto EU Esteriore 60 – 200 gr/pianta
Raccolto US Esteriore 2 – 7 oncia/pianta
Taglia XL
Altezza EU 80 – 120 cm
Altezza US 31 – 47 pollici
Settimane di Fioritura 8 Settimane
Coltivata in: Interno/Esterno
Genere Femminizzati
Sativa/Indica Sativa 25%/Indica 75%
Genetica Banana Purple Punch Auto
Tipo Autofiorente
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Instagram Banana Purple Punch Auto


La maestosa Banana Punch Auto si unisce al club delle "autofiorenti più potenti". Questa meravigliosa varietà contiene fino al 26% di THC e offre uno dei migliori profili terpenici in soli 56 giorni. Puoi aspettarti un profilo terpenico simile a quello di una caramella con un travolgente sapore di banana matura, deliziosamente completato da un sottofondo fruttato che ti dà la sensazione di aver appena mangiato un sacchetto di dolci orsetti gommosi. Questa varietà a predominanza Indica arriva a crescere attorno ai 120 cm d’altezza e produce fino a 550 gr/m2, pertanto è la scelta perfetta per i principianti e per coloro che cercano dei ceppi ad elevata produzione in grado di regalare forti effetti sedativi, percepibili dalla testa ai piedi.

Descrizione delle cime

La perfezione sotto forma di cime. Con una peluria di colore arancione brillante, caratterizzata da un bellissimo mix di sfumature viola, rosa e magenta, le cime di Banana Purple Punch al momento della raccolta sono completamente ricoperte di tricomi. Inoltre, hanno dimensioni medie e sono estremamente fitte e impilate le une sulle altre, cosicché il fusto principale e i rami laterali assumono l'aspetto del grattacielo viola più alto che tu abbia mai visto. L'odore di frutta tropicale che fa venire l'acquolina in bocca ipnotizzerà le tue narici prima ancora che tu possa aprire le cime. Questa varietà è davvero eccezionale per chi vuole preparare hashish o ricavare estratti saporiti.

Rapporto sul fumo

Questa varietà non è per i deboli di cuore. All'inizio, sperimenterai uno sballo gioioso che ti permette di concentrarti e di liberare la mente, ma non avere fretta. Banana Purple Punch Auto è una varietà che può coglierti di sorpresa: infatti, l'effetto può arrivare tutto in una volta, quando meno te lo aspetti. 

Dopo un paio di tiri, il piacevole effetto cerebrale si trasforma lentamente in un lungo potente effetto sedativo che sembra scioglierti tutto il corpo, alleviando dolore, stress e sintomi associati alla perdita di appetito, ma lasciandoti felice e rilassato. Questa varietà adatta per la notte ti farà sicuramente dormire, perciò vacci piano.

Aspetto della pianta

Questa varietà è molto facile da coltivare e, senza troppi sforzi, rivelerà il suo lignaggio Indica e ti mostrerà di cosa è capace. Banana Purple Punch Auto può arrivare a 120 cm d’altezza, inoltre cresce robusta, con un forte fusto principale della stessa robustezza dei molteplici rami laterali che riescono a sostenere senza problemi cime di grandi dimensioni. 

Grazie all'eredità Indica, questa pianta presenta una spaziatura internodale corta, dando così l'impressione che su ogni singolo ramo stia crescendo una cima enorme. I bellissimi fiori lilla scuro contrastano perfettamente con le ampie foglie a ventaglio che, verso la fine della fioritura, sfumano in una bella tonalità verde chiaro.

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Suggerimenti per la coltivazione

Banana Purple Punch Auto ha cime estremamente fitte, quindi ricordati di legare i rami per migliorare il flusso d'aria e per aumentare la penetrazione della luce, permettendo così alle cime di raggiungere la loro massima densità, evitando muffe e altri parassiti.

Grazie al suo fogliame cespuglioso, consigliamo di defogliare gradualmente la pianta durante il suo ciclo di crescita, in modo da facilitare e velocizzare la sessione di potatura. Questa varietà non ha bisogno di molti nutrienti, ma assicurati di usare sostanze di buona qualità pertanto, se segui questi piccoli accorgimenti, verrai ricompensato con grandi cime belle succose.


La varietà Banana Purple Punch Auto ha un sapore fruttato. Inspirando, aspettati di percepire delle note di base leggermente terrose, accompagnate da tocchi di agrumi e intensi sapori di fragola fresca e banana matura. Espirando, i sapori fruttati e agrumati diventano ancora più profondi, mentre fuoriesce un forte sapore di ananas dolce con quel tipico tocco di benzina che ricorda ancora di più il sapore delle caramelle gommose.


Rilassamento Rilassamento
69% delle persone riscontra l'effetto Rilassamento
Felicità Felicità
49% delle persone riscontra l'effetto Felicità
Sonnolenza Sonnolenza
31% delle persone riscontra l'effetto Sonnolenza
Energizzante Energizzante
24% delle persone riscontra l'effetto Energizzante
Creatività Creatività
17% delle persone riscontra l'effetto Creatività
Allegria Allegria
17% delle persone riscontra l'effetto Allegria
Spensieratezza Spensieratezza
17% delle persone riscontra l'effetto Spensieratezza
Aumento dell'Appetito Aumento dell'Appetito
14% delle persone riscontra l'effetto Aumento dell'Appetito
Parlantina Parlantina
10% delle persone riscontra l'effetto Parlantina

Confronto con varietà simili

Altezza EU
Settimane di Fioritura
Fino a 30.4%
450 – 550 gr/m2
60 – 200 gr/pianta
80 – 120 cm
8 Settimane
Sativa 25%/Indica 75%
Fino a 24%
450 – 600 gr/m2
60 – 300 gr/pianta
90 – 130 cm
9 – 10 Settimane
Sativa 65%/Indica 35%
Fino a 26%
400 – 500 gr/m2
70 – 160 gr/pianta
60 – 100 cm
8 – 9 Settimane
Sativa 15%/Indica 85%
Fino a 24%
450 – 550 gr/m2
50 – 170 gr/pianta
80 – 100 cm
8 – 9 Settimane
Sativa 50%/Indica 50%

Recensioni dei clienti

4.8 di 5
291 valutazioni dei clienti
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Reviewed 19 August 2022
A very flavorful and potent smoke
I had a tolerance break for a week when my Banana Purple Punch was finishing curing and the second toke hit me like a train. I was completely lost for what seemed like an hour but was probably 15 minutes, couldn’t remember what I’d been doing or planning to do. Then I found my bearings again and found in me tons of energy to do stuff and feel absolutley happy.
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Segnala un abuso
Commented 18 January
Man pretty much any strain you buy from these seed banks turn out potent. Whe. They reach 40% or higher I'll consider that excessively potent.
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Commented 18 January
Did you happen to have any really strange looking leaves on your plant?
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Commented 26 January
Mine sure does haha! It's a total mutant but I think the bud will end up good in the end. It's got crazy side branching off of shoots and branches, and even branch/leaf hybrid things that have little random budding spots. She's a couple weeks into flower now and I've defoliated most of it under control, but the leaves have been mainly flat with a duck foot or very tight and pinched shape. Many with non serrated sides as well. The plant popped up quite large and filled out a 5 gallon pot, probably close to 4 ft tall and well spread, albeit in bizarre shoots and directions. The buds are forming and fattening well and on schedule though, and the odd leaves are starting to frost up like they usually would so I think she'll end up being a pretty nice plant in the long run!
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Happy Bird Seeds
Commented 19 March
Got one of these going right now, exactly as you described...decided to reverse it and to get some seeds from it for use in future breeding projects. Calling it Thing #1. Totally a wild child.
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Commented 6 July
Please tell me which strain has more than 40% THC? I can honestly say that you have no idea what you are talking about
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Reviewed 9 March
Pro’s : Let me start by saying that I am happy with the finished results. Fairly sticky semi dense bud from the whole pack. 100% germ rate . Con’s: There was ZERO consistency in the 5 pack 3 of the 5 plants grew tall and thin totally green no purple to be found. The other 2 grew short wider plants that went so purple almost black . That were all beautiful plants just nowhere near the same genes
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Segnala un abuso
Commented 16 July
Same genetics, different phenotypes
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Reviewed 21 September 2022
An easy, fast-growing plant.
I’d rate her even higher if I saw just a little purple color but there was none. Green bananas? Maybe. Purple? Definitely not. I’ve yet to smoke it, but the smell is nice.
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Segnala un abuso
Commented 17 August 2023
Bad luck there is around 3 phenos a green a purple whit very dark pruple leaves and a purple whit green leaves
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Commented 7 December 2023
Cut out ur nitrogen almost entirely next time late in flower
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Commented 21 January
Exactly the purple wit purple leaves is it tho
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Commented 21 January
Don’t work trust me
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Commented 29 April
You need to have cool nights. Mid to low 60s. Mine are very purple but there's definitely different phenotypes. I'm growing five banana purple punch at the moment and each one is completely different from the next.
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Commented 5 June
On purple lineage,have 25% Chances are it's not purple, but that's common knowledge, I don't even know how you ignore that lol
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Reviewed 15 November 2023
so nice
Went to Day 73. After drying for 2 weeks I tried some.. I am happy to say it's up with one of the nicest I have had. Really smooth with a with a sweet berry flavour on inhale that's just makes you want more and more. It is something I would be more then happy to keep around. I would rate it a 5 and another one of my mates that tried it said its up with some of the best his had too.
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Segnala un abuso
Commented 28 July
I monitored mine with a microscope watching for the amber heads on the stamen. In the end I harvested at 120 days with very little amber, but almost fully cloudy heads.. The smoke is very good, but I don't understand how mine got caught in this grow period too long.
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Reviewed 22 April 2023
Sweet mary Jane
I've never had anything like it!. OMG the taste is out of this world, with a high to match it. I for one will definitely be growing this one again .
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Segnala un abuso
Reviewed 11 September 2022
I wish she had at least some purple but the buds stayed green
All the purple was in the leaves. Other than that quite a good auto.
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Segnala un abuso
Commented 18 January
Have you tried growing organic?
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Commented 18 January
The first plant I ever planted from fastbuds turned deep purple.
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Commented 18 January
Tropicana cookies wad deep purple off the rip.
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Reviewed 23 March 2022
Banana purple punch
This strain was the most resistant I've ever grow she survived wen every other didn't, handling cold and rain with temperatures between 7° and 18° she star in winter with 9 and half hours of daylight and finish in the end of the winter with 11 hours of daylight in my terrace, she took 80 days but I think she cut go like for and extra week, I took her because there was this rain period and also this calima coming, I use LST in the lower branches improve airflow and give more ligth, tried to do it from the beginning but she didn't like it, the smell of her is like candy strawberry and cream with a bit of citrus in the end, the taste is like a mix of strawberry, tropical and red fruits kind of flavor, is delicious and the effects is mostly relaxed and calm body and mind, but let you do the daily stuff, I'm really happy with this strain the colors that she put at the end was spectacular to watch, she give me this feeling of excitement to see every day's changes, I loved to grow this strain!!
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Segnala un abuso
Commented 7 September 2023
Sono troppo leggere per me io solo fotoperiodo le auto lasciamo il tempo che trovano
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Reviewed 11 March
Banana Purple Punch
Loved growing this. Grown in organic soil and using Dr Organics soil amendments. it has been 73 days from seed and this plant is so beautiful you do not want to harvest it, pink ,blues, reds and smell like real candy. resin production is out of this world and again looks great. Just waiting for them resin glands to turn milky and bobs your uncle. thanks fast buds......will lay down a smoke review once dried and cured
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Segnala un abuso
Reviewed 9 September 2022
A spectacular purple plant
She was a part of a very unassuming balcony grow - in small pots, at the end of the season. I thought low night temps in flower would bring out the purple color and they did. Most of the leaves turned dark purple and the buds were almost black with bright wight stigmas. She was the best looking little lady, and the smoke was an easy-going Sativa high.
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Segnala un abuso
Commented 26 August 2023
Exactly what we're doing now... any tips for end of season outdoors with this one?
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Fast Buds
Commented 12 September 2023
Nothing too special, just start asap so the plants finish before it gets too cold at night. If it's too cold already, try to get them indoors
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Commented 16 May
hello, an 8-liter pot is enough for one plant
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Reviewed 31 August 2022
The high is relaxing, yet energetic
There’s absolutely no Indica heaviness, only tons of energy and a great mood. Smoked it for the first time before going to a festival. It was a totally psychedelic experience, never had so much fun.
2 people found this helpful
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Segnala un abuso
Commented 15 January
I agree whole heartly!!! I grew mine indoors and made sure my night temps were at least 5 to 8 degrees cooler and boom, the plant was covered in purple. Leaves the most to some purple calaxes. I smoked it late in the night and the next thing I was thinking Let's Build something!!! Totally happy but energetic throughout the whole buzz!!! Almost psychedelic! Mac
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Banana Purple Punch Auto
Banana Purple Punch Auto' pack backside
Banana Purple Punch Auto
Banana Purple Punch Auto' pack frontside

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